Case Study


Industry Tech

  • North America
  • Campaign
  • Digital design
  • Advocacy
  • Advertising
  • Video


Facing legislation that sought to disrupt tech products and digital services, CCIA—an international tech trade association—needed a high-profile campaign to showcase the negative impacts this legislation would have if implemented. 

Our approach

Penta developed CCIA's "Don't Break What Works" campaign, which included a national ad buy across a variety of digital platforms to mobilize end users in key Congressional districts. Additionally, the association pursued a targeted awareness campaign in the Beltway to directly influence policymakers.
  • Developed, designed, and managed Facebook, YouTube, Connected TV, and programmatic pre-roll and display advertisements
  • Implemented a dashboard reporting tool to track metrics and optimize campaign performance
  • Created a microsite to house relevant policy information and mobilize constituents to send letters to their Member of Congress


Penta successfully activated end users to voice opposition to Members of Congress about legislation that would impact digital services. Over 40 weeks, the end-user impact included:
  • 70 million impressions from digital ads
  • 750,000 ad clicks
  • Nearly 194,000 letters sent to Members of Congress

Penta Creative

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