Marisol Garibay

Marisol Garibay

Managing Director, Strategy


  • Chief Communications Officer, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
  • Communications Director & Senior Advisor, Office of Management and Budget
  • Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, U.S. Department of Treasury
  • Communications Director, House Financial Services Committee
  • Communications Director, Global Business Alliance (formerly OFII)
  • Vice President, Communications, National Association of Federally Insured Credit Unions


Marisol Garibay is a managing director at Penta. She brings 20 years of extensive experience in public affairs, policy communications, and brand and reputation management. She has advised high-ranking government officials and Fortune 500 CEOs. Marisol leverages this experience to advise clients on ways to influence public perception through strategic communications, messaging, and crisis communications.

Marisol was hired by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau as chief communications officer to build a formalized communications department. She consolidated disparate efforts, led a 15-person team, implemented standard operating procedures and processes, and created the first strategic communications plan. As a result of her efforts, Marisol elevated the Bureau’s reach to consumers and policymakers. For instance, she spearheaded messaging for high-profile regulations, including consumer protection, small dollar lending, debt collection, and innovation policies. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Marisol devised communications plans to educate consumers on mortgage forbearance and eviction protections through partnerships with influencers and collaboration with national news outlets, as well as the development of videos, infographics, and social media tweets.

As senior advisor and communications director at the OMB, Marisol collaborated with federal agencies on the development of messaging to communicate policy priorities. She built a communications strategy and generated national media stories to dispel negative commentary associated with regulatory reform, the federal government reorganization, and shutdown.

During her tenure as deputy assistant treasury secretary for public affairs at the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Marisol worked with the Financial Stability Oversight Council to highlight financial market opportunities, including the rise of cryptocurrency and novel financial companies. She collaborated with congressional offices and industry stakeholders to devise policy messaging and create an echo chamber of support, which led to the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the first comprehensive legislation since the 1980s. Additionally, Marisol held press conferences to brief the public on top priorities, including bond auctions, debt limit, Social Security and Medicare reform.

Additionally, she has led public affairs for national trade associations and think tanks, including the National Association for Federally Insured Credit Unions, the American Action Forum, and the Global Business Alliance.

Marisol earned her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science & Sociology from the University of Minnesota. She is a member of CHIEF, a network of women executive leaders.

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